disturbing how people these days use "Judge Not" .... true enough only
God knows the deepest recesses of our hearts why we do what we do...or
say what we say...but since time immemorial God has imbedded in our
hearts.. consciences ..our compass to whats right and wrong...we are
obligated as our work of love compassion and mercy to remind those of
our brethren of their turning away from
if our own compasses have been broken down by our continous
sinning...then we are fooling ourselves... because we are bearing Gods
judgement on ourselves when and if we keep defending the wrongs that we
do and wrongs others do,,,mirroring what we say... lets right our inner compasses today. to.plan our confession.....
goooooood morning!
posted this is my Facebook page a year ago and only got to update things recently ..everythings almost hasnt changed.. may we learn
ST. MICHAEL - (Archangel of those born on a Sunday) Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, the Commander in Chief of all the hierarchies of the Heavenly Hosts, the Angel who defeated Luciferadn His followers in the first rebellion or creatures against God. By his battlecry: MI-Ca-EL " Who is like unto God?.. the first defender of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mystery of the Incarnation ( Dan 10:12 12:1 Apoc.12:7)
ST GABRIEL - ( ARCHANGEL of those born on a Monday ) Special messenger of God, bearer or Gods secret messages to His chosen ones.( luke 1:19) (Daniel 8:19 9:21)
ST. RAPHAEL - ( ARCHANGEL of those born on aTuesday) Healer & Guide for the Christian pilgrim, patron also of Singles wanting to find their partner in marriage.He also gives the light to discern correctly Gods ways and protects us from dangers that befall us on our way to our heavenly home.
ST. URIEL - ( ARCHANGEL of those born on a Wednesday) Archangel of Justice, reminds us of Divine Justice, to whatever we do good or bad, reminds us of the terrible justice of God upon the world for the human pride and Godlessness with which human affairs are conducted.
St. SEALTIEL - ( ARCHANGEL of those born on a Thursday) Archangel of Worship & Contemplation, stands before God with incenser in hand, his angelic purity transforms the love and worship we mortals give to God.
ST. JHUDIEL - (ARCHANGEL of those born on a Friday) Archangel of Divine Mercy. Gods mercy comes to us in every moment of our lives.Without it we would die.Mercy is gracefor bodily and spiritual needs. Mercy is God Himself through the m,erits of Jesus Christ bringin us back to our Heavenly home
ST. BARACHIEL - (ARCHANGEL of those born on a Saturday) Archangel of Divine Providence. the one who was assigned by God to keep watch over His adopted Children taking care that He and the Choirs of Angels assigned to the task guard these transformed souls in all their way, bearing them up ( Psalm 91, 12)
check the Perpetual Calendar in this blog fill it with your birthdate and know which archangel is in charge of you... God bless!