A Catholic Donkeys continuing JOURNEY.. Dear Jesus,you have made me be your little donkey. Please don’t leave me and I will stay with You always. Lead me, tightly harnessed by Your grace: You have led me by the halter; make me do Your Will. And so I will love you for ever and ever — The Forge, 381~ ST JOSEMARIA ESCRIVA
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Mama Mary & the Rosary of the Unborn
..Last Wednesday April 13, 2011.. Mama Mary answered one of my prayers and St. Michael made sure it reached me:) THANK YOU LORD! THANK YOU MAMA MARY, THANK YOU ST.MICHAEL, THANK YOU ST ANTHONY, THANK YOU PADRE PIO and THANK YOU JOHN!!! for being Jesus and Mama Mary's instrument.
eversince i could understand, i have been pro-life, for the simple reason that Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE ", (John 14:6) am against Abortion in any form, and along with it am against Contraception in any form ( even the word itself is anti-life- CONTRA) , why? because if JESUS IS LIFE, and the only giver and taker of life, then anything that is ANTI-LIFE IS and WILL always be ANTI the giver of life. if ANTI LIFE is ANTI THE GIVER OF LIFE and JESUS is LIFE.. then if your ANTI_LIFE OR PRO-ABORTION, then YOUR ANTI -CHRIST JESUS.
So what has CONTRACEPTION got to do with abortion then?
its simple really.. any failed contraception results in a pregnancy, the main reason why contraception is used is because the user wants to have sex without the responsibility of pregnancy ( hmmmm..) and does not want to get pregnant, so when contraception fails, and since pregnancy is the result and it is unwanted, then abortion will not be far away.
And so, after browsing pro - life and anti-abortion websites two years ago, i came across the website www.holylove.org and saw there the ROSARY OF THE UNBORN :) .. When i saw it i whispered Mama Mary i want one, i hope i have one :D but only if its Gods will i have it and there is a dire need of having one.... since i do have an MP3 of the ROSARY FOR LIFE, and my usual rosary, i didnt give it a thought anymore until December last year, when i renewed a friendship with a friend who was from Ohio, the home of the Rosary of the Unborn :). and the rest resulted in me having the blessing of the Rosary of the Unborn.
whats the big deal about it? ALOT..!!!
- it reminds me to fight for life, God alone is the giver and taker of life
( Oct 12, 2001 - in Jesus message to Maureen Kyle : " I am your Jesus, born incarnate, please understand that the more man tries to become like GOD, the more he will be humbled. The more humanity assumes the role of giver and taker of life, the more selfcenteredness and hatred will flourish in hearts" Do not allow the prince of lies any doorway of opportunity.
- it reminds me that i need to pray harder when i feel like relaxing and being lazy in helping Jesus in the battle for lives and souls
(Oct 5, 2001 message - i have come to tell you what the adversary does not want you to hear: That every MASS you attend, every COMMUNION you receive, every HOLY HOUR you make, every ROSARY YOU SAY, weakens the enemy forever in some soul somewhere in the world")
- it makes me realize how precious life is, that human life is fragile.(Oct 5, 2001 Message of Jesus) each life that is snuffed out changes the world forever.
- the realization how big our responsibility is, in protecting the womb in not becoming a tomb!. October 5, 2001 - message of Jesus, In truth I tell you that your nations stance on legalized abortion is the determining factor in your national security.Recognize abortion as the face of evil
- the importance of the ROSARY as the weapon which will bring about SATANS defeat, and the Bible bearing the words of GOD our ARMOR.
-That GOD always answers prayers! it may not be sometimes the thing you prayed for or the the thing/person you exactly you want BUT always what you need and is GOOD for you.
- where God leads you, He provides the tools you need and the resources.
and still i guess so many things to learn and re-learn:) understand and pray for, and LORD , am only just beggining... in my weaknesses do not leave me, wanting for help, provide for me and please always be with me.
All over Christendom today is PALM SUNDAY, in our parish coconut branches of all shapes designs and sizes are all around being waved and blessed before and after the mass.
In other countries where there are no palms, used are the most common local tree branches from olive branches , yew, willow etc.
What does Palm Sunday tell us :
-to receive Jesus with Joy! we need to have joy in our hearts despite our sacrifices, trials and sufferings, joy should always be there radiating in our hearts because Jesus is there. Only in having and accepting Jesus will you have that inner joy.
Jesus rode to Jerusalem on a donkey, he did not select a horse which during those times were a symbol of war and used for battles, but specifically asked for a donkey, a symbol of peace,humility and loneliness.
-we should not lose our peace, in our hearts , true enough, we have so many worries that we lose peace, we have no peace, we need to reconcile ourselves with God, this is the time to reconcile with God,to reconcile with other people, until there are people you do not forgive in the past you cant lose the chains that bind you.
"only with a forgiving heart do you achieve true peace"
we want happiness and a peaceful life, BUT only with Jesus will we have it.
-to learn to be gratful, we almost always resort to complaining to Jesus, ask Him a gazillion prayer petitions,and yet most often than not after a request, after a prayer we have long been asking is granted, we fail to thank God properly. Even in trials and suffering we must remember to thank God.
Footprints in the Sand
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you."
Mary Stevenson
this poem reminds us,in sadness, in suffering, in pain, in loneliness, that the LORD is carrying us
and as followers of Jesus, may the Palms we carry home symbolize that we need to always have that joy, peace and gratitude.
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ST. MICHAEL - (Archangel of those born on a Sunday) Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, the Commander in Chief of all the hierarchies of the Heavenly Hosts, the Angel who defeated Luciferadn His followers in the first rebellion or creatures against God. By his battlecry: MI-Ca-EL " Who is like unto God?.. the first defender of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mystery of the Incarnation ( Dan 10:12 12:1 Apoc.12:7)
ST GABRIEL - ( ARCHANGEL of those born on a Monday ) Special messenger of God, bearer or Gods secret messages to His chosen ones.( luke 1:19) (Daniel 8:19 9:21)
ST. RAPHAEL - ( ARCHANGEL of those born on aTuesday) Healer & Guide for the Christian pilgrim, patron also of Singles wanting to find their partner in marriage.He also gives the light to discern correctly Gods ways and protects us from dangers that befall us on our way to our heavenly home.
ST. URIEL - ( ARCHANGEL of those born on a Wednesday) Archangel of Justice, reminds us of Divine Justice, to whatever we do good or bad, reminds us of the terrible justice of God upon the world for the human pride and Godlessness with which human affairs are conducted.
St. SEALTIEL - ( ARCHANGEL of those born on a Thursday) Archangel of Worship & Contemplation, stands before God with incenser in hand, his angelic purity transforms the love and worship we mortals give to God.
ST. JHUDIEL - (ARCHANGEL of those born on a Friday) Archangel of Divine Mercy. Gods mercy comes to us in every moment of our lives.Without it we would die.Mercy is gracefor bodily and spiritual needs. Mercy is God Himself through the m,erits of Jesus Christ bringin us back to our Heavenly home
ST. BARACHIEL - (ARCHANGEL of those born on a Saturday) Archangel of Divine Providence. the one who was assigned by God to keep watch over His adopted Children taking care that He and the Choirs of Angels assigned to the task guard these transformed souls in all their way, bearing them up ( Psalm 91, 12)
check the Perpetual Calendar in this blog fill it with your birthdate and know which archangel is in charge of you... God bless!