Maturity is being myself... its harmony between what i want, between myself and others, between my desires and my faith.. its reconciliation with my past, trust in my present and hope in my future. Its when my mind , heart and actions run in the same direction.
Emotionally Mature?
entails self esteem, stablility of character, personal autonomy, positive rapport with ones sexuality, capability of solidarity: sincerity, enthusiasm and sens of humor.
Mature in Decision Making?
ability to make wieghed decisions, sense of responsibility, fidelity to ones promises, affirmation in the face of pressures, initiative
Mature Judegement
sound assesment of events and people, opennes to dialogue, overcoming selfishness and dogmatism, interiorized set of values, cultural identification, frankness.
Maturity is a lifelong growth process.
(taken from Vocation Horizons - Fr Rafael Ponce Gonzalez)